Introduction to Web Technologies
- Introduction to Web Technologies
- Careers in Web Technologies and Job Roles
- How the Website Works ?
- Client and Server Scripting Languages
- Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer
- Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)
- Web Standards and W3C recommendations
Adobe Photoshop
- Introduction of Stock Photography
- Types of Image Graphics
- Vector Graphics and Tools
- Scalar Graphics and Tools
- Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
- Interface Tour of Photoshop and Palletes
- Color Modes and Resolution Options
- File Types in Photoshop
- Using Photoshop Tools with Realtime Examples
- Move Tool
- Marque Tools
- Lasso Tools
- Quick Selection / Magic Wand
- Crop / Slicing Tool
- Image Manipulation Tools
- Brushes
- Patterns
- Gradients
- Pen Tool / Shape Tool
- Text Tool
- Working with Layers, Grouping and Smart Objects
- Image Adjustments
- Layer Masking, Layer Clipping
- Using Blending Options to create unique effects
- Analysis Menu
- View Menu / Window Menu
- Filter Effects
- Photoshop Actions
- Automation Tools
- Animation using Photoshop
- Brochure Designing
- Generating PDF Output
- Designing a Logo
- Creating a Business Card
- Design Banners for Website
- Realtime Website Layout Design
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML 4.01)
- What is Markup Language
- Basic Structure of HTML
- Head Section and Elements of Head Section
- Meta Tags
- External Link Tags
- HTML Structure Tags
- Table Tag
- Div Tag
- Frames
- Content / Media Tags
- Header Tags
- Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
- Anchor Links and Named Anchors
- Image Tags / Image Hot Spots
- Object Tag
- Iframe Tags
- Working with Forms
- Form Tag
- POST and GET Method
- Text Input, Text Area, Checkbox, Image Input and Radio
- Select Option, Option Group
- Submit Button, Reset Button
- Relation between HTML Form and PHP
- Creating a Live Website Form
- Introduction to HTML5
- Whats new in HTML5
- HTML5 Doctype
- New Structure Tags
- Section
- Nav
- Article
- Aside
- Header
- Footer
- New Form Tags
- Search
- Tel
- Url
- Email
- Number and range
- New Media Tags
- Audio Tag
- Video Tag
- Designing a Layout using HTML5
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 3.0)
- Introduction to CSS 3
- New CSS3 Properties
- CSS Rounded Corners
- Border Images
- Border Shadows
- CSS Gradients
- CSS Background properties
- Text-Shadow Property
- Text-Stroke Property
- Using CSS3 in Practical Layout
Adobe Dreamweaver
- Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver
- Dreamweaver Interface Basics
- Type of Views
- Defining a Dreamweaver site
- Benefits of Using Site
- Creating a Site for Static Project
- Creating a Site for PHP Project
- Standard Tool Bar
- Setting the Dreamweaver for Multiple Browser Output
- Device Central and Mobile Sites
- Common Tool Bar
- Anchor Links / Email Links / Named Anchors
- Insert Table
- Insert Divs
- Inserting Images / Image Hot Spots
- Inserting Flash / Video
- Meta Tags
- Script Tags
- Layout Tool Bar
- Inserting Divs
- Inserting Tables
- Working with Frames
- Working with IFrames
- Text Tags
- Headings Tag
- Content Tags
- Formating Tags
- Spry Elements
- Spry Menu Bar
- Tabbed Panels
- Accordions
- Collapsible Divs
- Forms in Dreamweaver
- Form Tag
- Fieldset and Label Tag
- Input Tags (Hidden, Text, Checkbox, Radio, Image)
- Select Tag / List Tag / Opt Group
- Buttons (Submit and Reset)
- File Type / Encoding Type
- Sending Mail using PHP
- Dreamweaver Advanced Concepts
- Spry Form Validations
- Snippets Creation
- FTP Client in DW
- Dreamweaver Extensions
- Template Design in Dreamweaver
- Importing a website design
- Setting the Editable and Non-Editable Regions
- Defining the DWT for project.
- Detaching the Template / Modifying the Template
- Validating the XHTML & CSS
- Common Compatibility Issues
Responsive Website Design
- Mobile Website: Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.
- Bootstrap
- Introduction to CMS
- Introduction to WordPress
- Installation of wordpress application
- Installing a theme
- Using Dashboard and its components
- Creating Pages
- Setting Menu
- Installing plugins
- Editing content
- Customizing Techniques
SEO Concepts
- Basics of SEO
- Importance of SEO
- Onpage Optimization Basics
- Offpage Optimization Basics
Live Website Design Project (100% Realtime Project)
- Designing a Professional Photoshop Template
- Conversion of PSD to CSS
- Design E-Commerce Portal
- Adding the Contact Form
- Manual Website Testing